We've played our first two flag football games on Monday and Tuesday and we played the Lodges and Carmin [both teams have pretty big girls and are known to be pretty tough], and needless to say, we lost. We did score against the Lodges, which was something. Our first game we just weren't organized. We were running all over the place and we hadn't practiced. So that night, our coach [my suitemate, Colleen] made up some plays and we "practiced" them. Tuesday, we looked a ton better! We are all incredibly sore!! Geez! And since those girls play tough, we have bruises. At the end of our Carmin game, a couple of the girls from the other team came up and asked us if we'd want to play tackle football....and I was pretty excited! =] Another girl and I said yes, and I don't know if others will or not, but they said they'd get in contact with us.
And as I told some of you, we Shatty girls pranked Bowman while they were on their house retreat. Each floor was in charge of pranking their brother floor. We did good, but there was some miscommunication/bad communication between the RD, the RAs, and the girls on the other floors. Things got outta hand. Plus other houses pranked them pretty bad; like, we weren't allowed into the room, but one or two other guy dorms got in and did some pretty bad stuff. So we [Shatford] aren't allowed to prank anyone until we gain their trust again, which kinda stinks because our floor enjoys pranks. A lot of the guys don't know what happened because some leaders cleaned it up before they got back, so we're not supposed to talk about it.
And here are pictures of my room for you all, from the door; from the closet; the bathroom; my desk; from the window:

I love you guys a ton! Give all the kids hugs and kisses for me!!
We miss you, sister! But, I'm excited to see you enjoying college. Congrats on your first exam! Not that I'm surprised you got an A...you're a smarty pants. Thanks for the update...good to hear from you!
great room. we miss you more than chari. haha. (just messin with you chari!) but really, finn has learned to say your whole name "caitlyn nicole easley," and that's how i know he misses you. haha. kidding again. just in one of those moods i guess.
glad IWU suits you. say hi to john wesley for me.
and is that SARAN WRAP i spy on your desk. you will get a whoopin when your mom sees that. haha.
Man....yet again memories come FLOODING back. What a great place to go to college :)
Congrats on the exam and on flag football!!! Glad to hear things are going well for ya...miss ya tons.
Love ya
"shatty" dont think we called it anything but after moving in. And your desk looks just as it should. Cant wait for your first visit!
I had just said to Caron last night that we hadn't heard from you in a while...must have been "reading my mind"! Thanks for the pictures....was wondering how you worked it out! Hmmm... until I enlarged the picture, thought the saran rap was a slim line radio! HA! Nice book end on top! :) Bet it smells good!!! Great job on the test! Proud of you! Especially after "working in" the pranking episode! And I'm also proud of you for not burying God's Word in your desk pile! :) Miss you tons.... but glad to hear things are going well! Love you forever....Mom
"rap"...HA! You know I meant WRAP! :)
YES that is saran wrap! =] We used it, but like I said, we can't for a while. =/
And since I'm hungry right now, I can ask this of you guys: if you just HAPPEN to send me something, send a snack or something...like...oh I dunno Oreos, jelly beans, suckers, and pop rocks ;] No, but really, I would like some fruit snacks or granola bars. IF you send something. That's something you can add to the box, Mom, if you haven't sent it.
another note: a small room is easier to keep clean....because you HAVE to!! So maybe it's a blessing! :)
sorry...already sent the box...with ramen noodles. I'll just send some money so you can go to WalMart and pick out your own treat....it's cheaper! I know. It's not as fun....
cait - i miss you, little buddy. so you already played tackle football...or that comes later?
have you picked up any cool new music? i remember being overwhelmed with new bands that were up-and-coming or signed to indy labels...you'll have to let us know what's new out there!
There's a pretty good sounding local band, but other than that, I haven't heard of any others.
And yup, already played flag football. We have another game tomorrow, in fact. We've played 2 games and we lost both, but it was fun =]
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