Saturday, October 27, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

happy birthday jordan!!! / i have finally failed.

happy birthday jordan!!! we are glad it's your birthday and wish we could eat some of your cake, or whatever delicious dessert mom is cooking up for you. hope 17 treats you well.

and also, you will have to forgive me, i have failed in my birthday card sending for you. we are usually really good about it, but last week/weekend was INSANELY insane. and it's true, i forgot.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

josiah parker

a marvel: josiah parker

CHARI DOES NOT LOOK LIKE SHE JUST HAD A did she do that?! make-up on, black fleece pants & a nice white shirt. a fresh manicure & pedicure!! sheesh!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Baby Kennelly

here's the newest little guy! TBN later!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

cmon baby baby're in labor right now. i can't wait to hear the news! HANG IN THERE SISTER! YOU CAN DO IT! can't stop wondering what you're doing right this instant.

Friday, October 12, 2007


it was cold yesterday, so we had to bundle up when we left in the morning... here is finn not liking it, but also looking oh so cute.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Remember these?

Caroline found this in the closet and insisted on wearing it for the rest of the day. She was only a few days old when Jerry brought these back from China.

Sunday, October 07, 2007


I need pictures! You're having a baby in a week and a half and I haven't seen you since September.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

when i go don't cry for me (wah, caitlyn)

the girls ate a lot of powdered donuts on saturday.

yesterday annabelle & i went to take a nap together. we read a few homeschool stories & talked about this lion that almost ate a monkey.

then she said, "mom, when are you going to die?"

"i don't know. hopefully not for a long time."

"when am i going to die?"

"i don't know. only god knows when we're going to die."

"when we die, will we be flattened out, like that skunk that aunt chari ran over?" and she smiled when i looked at her because she knew that was a pretty funny connection to make.

and i am not smiling now because my car STILL smells horrible from that skunk.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007 I'll post! I'm still pretty green at this.....!'s been a crazy schedule lately....with all the flu going around, etc. Katie and Maddie are currently sleeping peacefully....hopefully thru the night. Hope Chari does too. Tomorrow, Wed., she'll see the Dr. again....I'll watch the girls....either here, if they're still sick, or in Bloomington. Man, I really hope this stops here! We've had enough!

Spent the day on Donovan Golf Course watching Jordan's last team match of the regionals. It really was a beautiful day to be outside! He missed the cutoff to continue to sectionals by 6, I think. :( Afterwards I picked up some groceries for the girls....hoping to find something they like. The blue Jello did the trick! :)

So the week speeds by yet again....without getting any cleaning done yet! :( (It's time to do some Fall cleaning....) One of these days I'll get caught up..... :)

so caitlyn can't crab about being the only one posting on here (AKA hahahahahahahehehehe)

we are very busy. having a house on the "market" is a lot of work... keeping things clean, getting ready for garage sale, organizing to make a future move easier, etc.

spent most of today at the delsenno's because we had a realtor "walk thru" for five hours, when all realtors are allowed to come and see our home at their leisure and let any of their clients know about the house. cathy seems to be doing great for having her leg dismantled less than a week ago. but maybe she was just putting on her brave face since i was there... :)

justin is on his way home from work. i have water boiling in the kitchen for our meager dinner of garlic noodles. tomorrow i hope to get some dinner foods so we aren't eating pasta or frozen pizza every night.

the biggest loser is on tonight and i look forward to that.
finn is big.
justin is good.
rudy is a wacko.

there you go cait. bwahahahahaha.

Monday, October 01, 2007

80's Skate Night [aka Am I the only one who posts anymore?]

Well, I know Corrie's seen these from facebook and I'm uploading some of these to myspace, but I know you wanna see them Mom, so here you go. These are from Friday night. Everyone dressed up 80's style and we all went skating to a place just down the road. The night was open to all and any freshman and leadership, hosted by Shatford and Bowman. It was pretty much a blast. Kristin, muh sweetmate, helped me do my hair and makeup. Unfortunately, a lot of the girls went home this past weekend and missed it, so it wasn't as much fun. Afterwards, Steak 'N Shake was PACKED! Here are some of the highlights...

Kristin DeMo [suitemate]

JPO [her real name's Jenni Poppinga, but JPO's better; lives catty-corner to me]

Most of Uno Shat

Lindsay, me, and JPO