So here’s my update for my first week of college! Things have been pretty great and I’m loving it here. My floor is pretty amazing and even though we’re the biggest unit because we’re not divided into east and west ends, it sounds like we’re the coolest and closest. And that’s from my RA, not just my opinion. =] I’ve made friends with almost all the girls in my floor and we all can’t believe that we’ve only known each other for a week. It’s crazy. But really cool. I know quite a few of you have said that I wouldn’t have any trouble adjusting, but I didn’t really believe you. I thought it would take me a while to make friends. But it didn’t! We’ve watched movies, read a bedtime story, rolled around in pudding, had dance parties [but me being an Easley with no dancing skills whatsoever, I helped work on our cardboard boat =], had unit devos, and many more things. Our brother unit, Bowman first floor, has bonded a lot, too, so we’ve heard, but they haven’t come out of their shells to really meet us yet. We’ve had dinner with them at
Baldwin, but it was pretty awkward; not a lot of talking going on, even with our talkative girls going at it. But I guess we’re supposed to go over to Bowman Friday night for a while and hang out and we’re supposed to have a scavenger hunt with them this weekend.
Last week was Resident Life Week, so each unit/floor was their own team, meaning there were tons of teams. There were activities like Pudding Tug-O-War, Egg Toss, Monkey Bicycle races, a canceled cardboard boat race [it was POURING], Lodgeball [dodgeball hosted by the Lodges] the Shatford Gong Show [talent show that was amazing! There was a group from Scripture that had a guy dressed like Dwight from the Office with an accordion and a guitarist and bassist and percussionist and they played The Office theme song, and that was SOOO cool! And Bowman staff won with a real enactment of the Mario Brothers theme song], and other activities. So that was a blast!
Emily and I have too much stuff. =] I kept saying it wasn’t going to be, but she hadn’t told me all the things she bought from IKEA. She bought a TON of little stuff it seems like. Hopefully we can bring some stuff home on our first trip back. The two beds, the papasan, her bookcase, the fridge, two desks AND her couch-chair is too much. We’ve made it work, but it’s a tight fit.
Our suitemates are pretty cool. Their names are Kristin and Colleen. They knew each other before, too, and they’re hilarious together.
I’ve already pulled a few pranks =] Saran wrap on Kristin and Colleen’s bathroom door and Candace and Abbi’s bathroom door [neither worked, but now we know how to do it] and peanut butter on numerous doorknobs. One girl got it 6 times because she tried to leave it there so her roommate would get it, but she never did. Most of them don’t know who did it =]
I’m still checking out churches; I went to College Wesleyan Sunday and the pastor there is really good. I’m going to check out one called Exit 59 in Gas City this Sunday. The pastor at the College church is also the preacher for Summit this week. Summit is like…more chapels in one week. Chapels MWF at 10 and 11 are really Summit services and there are evening services. It’s really cool and really good to go to.
So that’s my life for right now. This post is long enough =]
Here are our SWEETmates:
This is Colleen:

This is Kristin:

Well, sis...sounds like you're having a good time so far. I have such great memories of my years there, that I had trusted that God would bless you just the same, and it sounds like He has. Makes me wish I was back in college...without the classes, homework, etc. :) We'll keep praying for you! Love you and miss you TONS!!!!
caito! a good update! don't forget the little people.
yea! glad to hear you are getting along well... and getting involved in the numerous activities available... (pranking is considered an activity, or it should be!)
loooove you!
dangerous friends.
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