Tuesday, May 03, 2011

40 years

Forty years. Nearly a lifetime. Forty years ago today, May 3, 1971, my wonderful husband reported for his first day at Caterpillar Tractor Company. He was young.... just 19 years, 1 and 1/2 months old....just a year out of high school. He had heard that CAT offered good pay and good benefits and steady work. He didn't think college was for him....and he was beginning to think about getting married, and he knew he'd need a good job to support his future wife. So he went with a friend, signed up, and was thrilled to get the call that he was "hired"!! Little did he know that 40 years later, he would still be working for "Big Yellow"! During his time there, he has passed all these milestones:
He got married in 1972; his children were born in 1974, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1988, and 1990; lost his father in 1979; began building our home in 1979 (without the help of his father, whom he had greatly counted on); was nearly killed in a car accident in 1981; built (with his brother) a new house for his mother after hers burned to the ground; finally moved into our mostly-finished new home, built with his own hands, in 1982; served on the local school board for 16 years; suffered 2 heart attacks; has seen 5 of 6 children graduate from college; has seen 4 children marry and have a combined 13 grandchildren (with 1 more on the way!); has faithfully honored his wife for 39 years; and has wonderfully provided for his family for 40 meritorious years!

I cannot thank him enough for his service. He has not only "served" CAT, he has served our family and provided well for us; he has served God with his integrity and faithfulness; and he has served ME, by enabling me to fulfill my desire to be a stay-at-home mother. He has been a constant support and encourager. He has been my best friend and closest confidant. I cannot thank him enough for sharing his life with me. I salute the best gift God has ever given me! Congratulations, Dearest, for reaching this wonderful milestone in your life! And though it seems too inadequate: THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!

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