It was great to see everyone on break, even though I didn't get to see Justin and Corrie and lil' Finnster much and forgot to say goodbye to Chari =/ [Sorry about that again...]. But really, it was fun and relaxing. It was great to go to a family dinner again and see everyone and have lots of chaos and lil' feet running everywhere. =] And here are a few pics...

And I came back on Monday to find out that this week is initiation week for new Shatford staff =] Last night we had to be at our phones at midnight with a pink ribbon on our body and they called each room individually and we all ran to one spot. From there, we ran EVERYWHERE. We ran all over campus - I don't think they could've picked spots farther away from each other. And we had to answer questions about Shatford and such. And then we met up with them and they talked to us for a while and prayed and then the told us that they had paired us up with each other and we had to be the other person for a day - dress like them and act like them [at least Jen and I did] and get together with them for an hour and get to know each other better. And I had one of my wonderful friends, Jen. So I got to bed at 2 last night and woke up at 7 for Jen to do my makeup and hair and I was off. I've gotten used to it and earlier my hair was down, but I like it better up I think.

Jen squints her eyes when she smiles and she waves a lot so that's why I look like that. As much as I didn't like it in the beginning, I kind of got used to the look, except for maybe the eyeliner =]
i like the eyeliner.
and the look.
i do too! looks fun, Cait! thanks for the them!! miss you already.... :( and thanks again for all your help last weekend!
You look always! It was so good to see you! Thanks for helping with my brood as well. Can't believe you only have 4 weeks left before your first year of college is over! Crazy! Hope you're having a great week. Thanks for the pictures!
how did i miss this post! i always check... hm.
wish we coulda seen you more too... but trust, me, once you get back you will probably wish we would leave!
love you, miss you... you make a stellar jen, i think.
exuse me you have a nice lauthing(un jolie sourir)
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