Monday, January 14, 2008


i can't wait to hear what cam & erin are having. i've been standing at attention since i woke up, checking the mobile phone for a text, checking email every ten minutes, making sure the regular phone is plugged in.


Chari & Darin said...

I hear ya Care....every time either phone rang, I was running...hoping...finally, the call came! Now I think Justin and Corrie are having a boy...gotta keep the pattern going! How exciting!!!

caron said...

hahahahaha! love it!

joyce said...

man, what a long morning.....! It's amazing how slowly time goes when you're not in the middle of something! Ahhh, the pattern....will it continue?!!

caitlyn said...

We need pictures!!!

corrie said...

or how slowly time goes when you don't have to travel six hours (through a snowstorm for some grandkids)... !!

good question, will it continue! :)