I got Shatford Woman of the Week [2 weeks] and I got a light up crown and wand and a sash; [best part] I also got my own parking spot right next to Shatford; and I also got to decorate my own board in the front stairwell:

We had the Barn Party, which was a BLAST!
The barn was really cool [yes, it was a real barn with a cool loft] and there were scary hay rack rides [which you didn't know were scary until you were already on the ride and I was on the last one which all the Uno Shat girls and they said we screamed the most =]. I also learned how to juggle hot coals! It's not really juggling, but you pick it up and shake it in your hands and toss it to other people. It was so much fun!
And we also had the Harvest Party - an alternative to kids going out in Marion on Halloween. I had no costume, so they just threw stuff together and put it on me. Looked like Jennifer Garner from Alias or something...
And here's Uno Shat. Any college group could make a booth for the Harvest Party, and there were tables all over the gym. It was pretty cool to see all the cute kids and give them candy. Uno Shat did two booths and I was with the one that did tic-tac-toe on the floor.
And this is Kristin doing a go-fish type of game. You can't really see it in this picture, but they had a blue blanket for water and the kids would throw their line over the blanket and the girl behind the blanket would attach candy to the clothes pin. Our booths were a hit [possibly because they were one of the first ones kids saw when they walked in, but we'll take it]
very cool board. and is that a tiara on your head? You are one classy looking shatty duck!
Yup that's a tiara/my crown. lol It was pretty dorky, but oh well =]
So proud to call you sister...
Thanks for posting the pictures! I knew they'd be great! Love to see what's going on at IWU in your life! :) Would have liked to see you model them in person, lights flashing and all! :)
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