Shoot, I don't really know how to upload pictures, so I will have to wait until Caron gets back. But here is what we did without her this weekend:
1. Did not watch a single DVD.
2. Played with cornstarch and water, which Annabelle called "Sowel". Made a gigantic mess on our nice new table, but man those two kids loved the liquid/solid white globs.
3. Went to Dunkin' Donuts with Uncle Jordan, where Jordan and I ate two nasty cake frosting filled donuts.
4. Rassled on the living room floor lots.
5. Cheered on Violet as she went #1 several times in the training john. Scolded her for dropping hair clippies in while she was perched atop her throne.
6. Annabelle got to sleep with Daddy Friday night, while Violet joined Daddy Saturday night.
7. Adored Henry and his little teeth.
8. Changed eleventy-hundred diapers. Cursed the diaper changing elves for not stopping by our house.
9. Visited with Jeff and his new bride, Sarah. Good to see you guys.
10. Annabelle beat dad at Twilight Struggle and Age of Steam, with Dad trouncing all comers soundly at Kids' Sequence.
11. Missed Mommy all weekend.
12. Drew lots with markers, crayons, and messed (which could not be a more apt description) with Playdoh.
13. Kept thinking about Thanksgiving!