Saturday, July 14, 2007


a video from last night. pepsi max DOES have more caffeine. there is a moment in this video that i'd like to dedicate to all the women in the family. the "what? a board game" moment goes out to you ladies!


joyce said...

finally....a post! even though it's not my grandkids....i do enjoy seeing my kids as well! thanks!

Anonymous said...

is that pillars? how was it?! and who did win?

Anonymous said...

orange morkadorkaccino!!!!

that's what that is. i have witnessed this before.


caron said...

ORANGE MORKADORKACCINO HYPERNESS! it happens every july...right around cabin-time, eh?

i like how justin was interested in which game was being played. :) and jason put on his stock "irritated" character.

how did power-grid go, anyhow?

Brittany Klaus said...

Pepsi MAXXXX does have more caffeine! So great!!!!!