i couldn't bear to spend $10 on a haircut for a one year old, so i went at it myself. justin was doing yardwork, and i couldn't stand the uncontrollable mess atop finn's head for one more second. i popped him in the exersaucer, turned on a movie, gave him a sucker, and went at that mop...
there are a few hairs i missed, and are out of place, went a little high above one ear... but i still have that ten bucks in my pocket!!
The look on his face matches his shirt entirely =] What a lil' emo kid. He misses his long hair. But it does look good. Sadly, he looks so much older...
yeah, it's a pirate shirt from his cousin cole... hand me down pj's. he does look older... like a boy not a baby
I can't believe you cut the curls off! He's still just as cute...but Aunt Chari will miss the curls! Want to tackle Maddie's mop next time you're home? That is...if I don't do something about it before then!
i like the new boy haircut! dig it dig it!!!
I too will miss the curls...but good job, Corrie!
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