Wednesday, February 22, 2006

weekly dr. visit

well, i went for my dr. visit today and there is no real exciting news. i am 1 cm dialated and 75% effaced... she explained what that meant, but i still really don't get it. she said basically things are moving right about where they should be. the good news is that my baby pool date is march 13th. so i didn't choose a date too soon. any other guesses? caron you should post ja, justin and your guess... i will buy the winner of the baby pool, or whoever is closest without going over a special treat.

everyone, post your guesses!


Cameron said...

OK...I (Cameron) am going to go with the 11th and Erin is going with the 8th.

caitlyn said...

okay. i think that you are going to go on the 7th. lucky number. jordan thinks it's the 9th.

corrie said...

sweet, the dates have been documented