another dr. appt. has come and gone... i am now 36 weeks and 4 days... which means that in less than four weeks (i pray) little easley will be present... HOORAY! i have not had any contractions that i know of (i had a dream i had one, which the dr. said that could have been one, but i am doubtful). i have been having some crazy headaches, along with continued swelling. these are signs of preeclampsia, which i am still not really sure what the actual definition of that is... but if one has it, they like to induce labor. BUT that main factor with preeclampsia is high blood pressure, which i have never had... so the dr. is making me do this 24 hour urine test... i put all of my pee for the next 24 hours in the jug, and keep it refrigerated... and then i return to the lab tomorrow. they are looking for specific kinds of protein in the urine which would tell them if preeclampsia was beginning... so anyway. she did give me prescription for a stronger tylenol for my headaches... they are not fun. more like migraines really. and that is about all the doc had to say today.
in other news i went grocery shopping today. this was especially fun because i made a special trip to HyVee instead of Aldi's. Even though it costs a little more, selection is nice sometimes. and name brands are nice sometimes too. so that was a good time. i am most excited about these reeses peanut butter eggs i got. my mom used to always put these in our easter baskets and i LOVE them!!!!! oh, and i also bought a pomegranite. i am very excited to try this unusual fruit. i will let you know how it is. and that's it. luv and miss you all!